Xcalak, Mexico

Xcalak, Mexico (Hosted Trip)

The village of Xcalak is located on the southernmost tip of the Yucatan Peninsula along the Caribbean coast of Mexico.

Xcalak is a success story for nature. It was a bustling town in the 1950’s that was completely devastated by Hurricane Janet. The few inhabitants that were left returned to a simple way of life and restored the area to embrace the fishing trade.

Now famous for both industry and sport fishing, Xcalak is one of the best places in the world to catch Permit Fish. Considered by many as “the holy grail of fly fishing”, Permit are an addiction that is well fed in the waters of Chetumal Bay. If you enjoy the thrill of the hunt, you’ll enjoy chasing Permit. The number of opportunities you will typically get fishing in Chetumal Bay help increase your odds greatly.

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